[Coldstuff] External e-mail set up?

Bruce Mitchener bruce@puremagic.com
Mon, 10 Sep 2001 11:16:27 -0600

Jeremy Weatherford wrote:

> Nope, Genesis is wonderfully multithreaded.  Shouldn't affect anything
> else unless you're having hardware-level network problems.  Those
> sometimes seem to cause delays that user-land programs can't control.

DNS lookups can lock up Cold unless you've written a DNS resolver in 
ColdC (possible, been done by Colin) or you've hacked the driver.  But 
that usually doesn't happen that often.  I'd had some plans to address 
this in Genesis 1.2, but got sidetracked into other chnages instead. 
Maybe it'll still happen, but I don't know. :)

  - Bruce