[108] in Coldmud discussion meeting

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Proposed change regarding MI ambiguities

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Fri Dec 10 18:26:26 1993 )

From: ghudson@MIT.EDU
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1993 18:22:20 -0500
To: coldstuff@MIT.EDU

While composing mail to tiny-splatters, it occurred to me that
detecting ambiguities in the method search and triggering an error
would be preferrable to my current method in three respects:

	* It is simpler.

	* If an object has O a non-overridable method named 'foo', all
	  descendents of that object are guaranteed to call that
	  method when sent a message 'foo', unless an ancestor of O
	  defines a non-overridable method 'foo', or unless an
	  ~ambiguous error results from sending a 'foo' message to O.

	* When you pass a message in a method, the method you call
	  depends only on the object which defines the current method,
	  not on the current object.  That is, you know which method
	  you're passing to.  (There are implementation advantages
	  here as well, but that's not very important.)

What's an ambiguity?  Given an object with an ancestors digraph, and a
method name, an ambiguity is when the method definitions do not all
lie on a single path.  Consider the following two inheritance
diagrams, where objects marked with an asterix define a method 'foo'.

	A			A

	B			B*

	C			C*

      D*  E*		      D   E

	F*			F*

	G			G

The first diagram is ambiguous, because D and E do not lie on the same
path up the digraph.  The second diagram is not ambiguous, because
there is a path which contains all of the method definitions.

Once you've determined the path which contains all of the method
definitions, the method used is the topmost non-overridable method, if
there are any, or the bottommost method if there aren't any.

I'm pretty sure I can detect ambiguities in linear time.

Does this seem reasonable to people?