[120] in Coldmud discussion meeting

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Re: getting it to work..

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mon Dec 13 16:58:23 1993 )

Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 16:52:25 -0500
From: Sean "Xibo" Coates <xibo@gate.net>
To: coldstuff@MIT.EDU

#>I'm looking to create a core that is more accessable to the TinyMUD
#> family people out there, because that's one way to attract them.
#What does that mean `accessable to the TinyMUD family'?  Isn't that
# taking a step backwards?  After MOO, tinymuds seem so awkward and
# primitive to me.

Not at all.  There's a large customer base using TinyMud-like servers.
Ah, if only designers of muds would think of them instead of how nifty
and complicated their server can be...

Anyway.  I run a tinymud-like server with a db of 17k objects, and my
interset in Cold was that I could somehow convert the db over.  But this
would require at a minimum that the tinymud commands are still available.
You can have OO in and out your ass three ways past Wednesday, but I
still want a server with @dig, @link, @find, @open... I can't tell yet
whether this will be doable in Cold, but as TeenyMud 2.0 looks like it
will never be released, I'm hoping to find alternatives.  It'd be a
damn shame to toss a 17k object db.
