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Timer object

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Sat Dec 17 23:02:08 1994 )

From: jeffpk@netcom.com (Jeff Kesselman)
To: coldstuff@MIT.EDU
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 1994 20:01:26 -0800 (PST)

 I've written a first pass at a simpel timer object.  The idea was a 
 minimal suite of functionality to allow 'system independance' of functions
 that need a timed call back.  
 Its small and should be pretty self-explanatory.  It supports two kinds 
 of call backs, a one-shot (called an alarm) and a periodic (called a clock.)
 How close the timing is to the timign asked for is a function of the 
 period of the heartbeat.  You need to put a call to $timer.pulse() in the 
 system heartbeat function.

 Its quite possible that there are more efficient ways to do what I
 am doing, particularly in the resetting of a clock callback.  If someone
 can suggest better code, Ild be more then happy to use it.

 All comments are welcome.

 Jeff Kesselman
 // OBJECT: timer
 // PURPOSE:  Provides 2 kinds of time based callbacks.
 //		alarms: an alarm provides a single call back in n seconds
 //              clocks: a clock provides a repeating call back every n seconds
 // AUTHOR:  Jeffrey P. Kesselman
 parent $utilities
 object $timer
 var $root child_index 0
 var $root owners [$timer]
 var $root fertile 0
 var $root inited 1
 var $root owned [$timer]
 var $root manager $timer
 var $root writable [$timer]
 var $root readable ['parameters, 'methods, 'code]
 var $root dbref 'timer
 var $timer timerCBs [] // [ [time,obj,function,args,reset_value,id]]
 method init_timer
 method pulse
 	var cb,newlist, curr_time, temp;
 	curr_time = time();	
 	newlist = timerCBs;
 	for cb in (timerCBs){
 	  if ( curr_time > cb[1]){
 	        temp = cb;
 		newlist = setremove(newlist,cb);
 		if (temp[5] != 0){
 		   newlist = [@newlist,[temp[5]+curr_time,temp[2],temp[3],
         timerCBs = newlist;
 method add_alarm
 	arg obj, func, args, seconds,id;	
 	if (type(seconds) != 'integer)
 	   throw(~type, "Passed seconds not an integer");
 	if (type(args) != 'list)
 	   throw(~type, "Passed args not a list");
 	if (type(obj) != 'dbref)
 	   throw(~type, "Passed object not a dbref.");
 	if (type(func) != 'symbol)
 	   throw(~type, "Passed functio not a symbol.");
 	timerCBs = [@timerCBs,[time()+seconds,obj,func,args,0,id]]; 
 method add_clock
 	arg obj, func, args, seconds, id;	
 	if (type(seconds) != 'integer)
 	   throw(~type, "Passed seconds not an integer");
 	if (type(args) != 'list)
 	   throw(~type, "Passed args not a list");
 	if (type(obj) != 'dbref)
 	   throw(~type, "Passed object not a dbref.");
 	if (type(func) != 'symbol){
 	   (> $user_catseye.tell("func type = "+tostr(type(func))) <);
 	   throw(~type, "Passed function not a symbol.");
 	timerCBs = [@timerCBs,[time()+seconds,obj,func,args,seconds,id]]; 
 method remove
 	arg id;
 	var temp;
 	for temp in (timerCBs)
 		if (temp[6] == id) {
 		   timerCBs = setremove(timerCBs,temp);