World Engineering Information

Room Info
Each room has a concept of inorganic nutrients. This roughly corresponds to a soil type and allows the world to be broken down into soil regions. The table below shows the divisions and intentions used when creating the Albia that shipped with C2.

10-20Caves - bare
70-120Caves - fertile
80-150Temperate forest
100-200Tropical forest

As shipped, the inorganic nutrients do not change with time but it is possible to create a mechanism using the CAOS language that allows them to change.

Each room also has a concept of organic nutrients and these change with time. This roughly corresponds to organic matter that accumulates from the death of organisms and is removed by detritivores and fungi. The Albian fungi relies on the presence of organic nutrients to grow and uses them up as it does so. If you find you have an area that the fungi no longer grows in it may be because there is no more organic nutrient left - one remedy for this is to use the goldfish egg launcher to fertilise the room!

Each room has a concept of having a door to a neighbouring room - a door can be a join in any direction. The value of the door represents what sized agents can pass through it. As shipped, the door values in use are shown below:

0Fully closed - nothing can pass through
10Soil boundary - used in rooms that have a soil floor
100Wooden walkway
120Lift Shaft
255Fully open - everything can pass through

Surface rooms have the values for heat, light and radiation altered based on the time of day and season.

Atmosphere rooms have the values for light and radiation altered based on the time of day and season.

World Info
1 time-of-day segment (i.e. dawn) last 3600 ticks - approximately 6 minutes.

1 day lasts 5x3600 ticks = 18000 - approximately 30 minutes

1 season lasts 4x18000 ticks = 72000 - approximately 2 hours

1 year lasts 4x72000 = 288000 - approximately 8 hours

The world is 8352*2400 pixels in size

To remove all scenery items from the world you can use the following CAOS fragment:

escn 1 0 0
kill targnscn

Weather system
The weather system in C2 models water vapour released from the oceans, which then moves around the wind based on prevailing winds, temperature and water content. When the conditions in the cloud are such that the water can no longer be held it will start to precipitate - the type of precipitation based on the temperature. If the water content builds up to a high level and is still not able to be precipitated a storm will develop. If you have no clouds left in your world it will be because the air above the seas is too cold for water vapour to leave and form clouds. If you never see snow, but only see rain then simply the world is too warm for snow to form.