EGG File Format

Egg File Format

BYTE[4]'e' 'g' 'g' 'f''The egg file specifier
BYTEGender0=random, 1=male, 2=female
BYTEImage0..16 - Egg Image for Hatchery.
LONGReserved1Must be Zero
LONGReserved2Must be Zero
BYTE[4]MumMonikerThe moniker of the mother.
BYTE[4]DadMonikerCan be 0,0,0,0 for virgin birth.
LONGDescriptionSizeLength in bytes of the Egg description.
BYTE[]DescriptionIf DescriptionSize is 0, then there are no bytes here.
LONGMumGenSizeSize in bytes of Mum Genetics file
BYTE[]MumGeneticsMother Genetics file.
LONGDadGenSizeSize in bytes of Dad Genetics file - Not here if no father
BYTE[]DadGeneticsFather Genetics file. Not here if no father.