Miscellaneous Genetics Information

Here is a collection of various bits of information relating to the creatures and their genetics.

Image Planes
Creatures occupy image planes 1000-3000. The reason they occupy a range of planes is obvious when you realise that they are made up of arms and legs - which must neccessarily have an ordering to them. If you make a vehicle for Creatures to ride in you must make sure you have enough space within the vehicles front and back to completely enclose it - otherwise arms and legs may appear hanging out of the sides!

Sprites and Attachments
The sprite and attachment files for a creature are named using a formula which describes the body part, gender, stage of life and variant. The table below shows the values:

LXYZ . extension
L: Body PartX: GenderY: Stage of LifeZ: Variant.extension: S16 or ATT

Body PartGenderStage of LifeNorn Variants
A: Head0: Male Norn0: BabyA: Brown mouse
B: Body1: Male Grendel1: ChildB: White haired pixie
C: Left Thigh2: Male Ettin2: AdolescentC: Devil/Blondie
D: Left Shin3: Male Geat3: YouthD: Santa
E: Left Foot4: Female Norn4: AdultE: Purple Mountain
F: Right Thigh5: Female Grendel5: OldF: Forest
G: Right Shin6: Female Ettin6: SenileG: Ron
H: Right Foot7: Female Geat H: Hebe
I: Left Humerus  I: Malay
J: Left Radius  J: Alba
K: Right Humerus  K: Goldy
L: Right Radius   
M: Tail Root   
N: Tail Tip   

Sprite File Arrangement
Each sprite file for each body part needs to be arranged in a consistent order to allow the correct facial expressions, for example, to be displayed. The ordering that is used can be summed up by describing it as having each body part arranged in the following order: Face Left - 4 poses, Face Right - 4 poses, Face Front, Face Back. But this doesn't describe the specifics of, for example, how the 4 poses for each direction are arranged - or mention how the head graphics use the previous ordering per facial expression. The easiest way to explain is to illustrate, and each body part in the table above is linked to an example image showing the ordering of the parts of the sprite file.

Pose Genes
Pose Genes are made up of a 15 character string, the ordering of each element is as follows: Direction, Head, Body, Left Thigh, Left Shin, Left Foot, Right Thigh, Right Shin, Right Foot, Left Humerus, Left Radius, Right Humerus, Right Radius, Tail Root, Tail Tip.

The meaning of each pose gene element is explained below:

Direction - 0: Face away from screen

Direction - 1: Face out of screen

Direction - 2: Face right

Direction - 3: Face left

Direction: - ?: Face towards _IT_

Direction - !: Face away from _IT_

Head - ?: Look towards _IT_

For all Parts - 0, 1, 2, 3: Furthest down/back pose to furthest up/forward pose. Each body part has 4 degrees of rotation on it to the left and right.

For all Parts - X: No change in part arrangement

The Seven Stages of Norn
Well, all creatures really - but the play on words would have got too lengthy :-)

Each creature has 7 life stages that they pass through, these are:

Stage of LifeNumber

These numbers are used for sprite/attachment naming (as mentioned above), but also come into play during genome creation - switch on times, for example. Not all life stages need a graphical representation - and as shipped C2 does not use them all. Instead the creature will use graphics for the previous life stage, if it can not find ones specifically for the stage it is in now. This explains why if you use the testing menu, and use 'Force Ageing' you wont always see a graphical change in your creature - it all depends on whether new graphics are provided for that life stage.