[1176] in Coldmud discussion meeting

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[COLD] Crashbug detected

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Thu Dec 12 05:49:45 1996 )

Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 11:38:13 +0100 (MET)
From: Miroslav Silovic <Miroslav.Silovic@public.srce.hr>
To: coldstuff@cold.org

Seems that my debug code works fine. This method crashes the driver

@program $user_miro.call_trace() +access=public
  var s, l, i, d, t, j;
  l = tmp;
  s = "";
  d = [];
  t = 0;
  for i in (l) {
      if (type(i) == 'integer) {
          if (s)
              s = s.subrange(3);
          d += [strfmt("%6l%lreturn", i - t, s)];
      } else {
          if (!t)
              t = i[1];
          j = i.length() == 5 ? strfmt("%6l%l%l<%l>.%l(%l)", i[1] - t, s, i[2],
   i[3], i[4], (toliteral(i[5]).match_pattern("[*]"))[1]) :
   strfmt("%6l%l<%l>.%l", i[1] - t, s, i[2], i[3], i[4]);
          d += [j.chop(79)];
          s += "  ";

Here, tmp is a large list of short lists and integers. No idea where
(it bombed in malloc or realloc, probably meaning allocator corruption).
Is this null-termination problem reiterated?
It appears that this is the only thing that crashed the debugger. Damn.
