[1278] in Coldmud discussion meeting

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[COLD] How to restore my database

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Sat Apr 19 14:14:58 1997 )

From: "Maddog's Studio" <maddog@best.com>
To: coldstuff@cold.org
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 11:06:35 -0700 (PDT)

The Unix server where I run Black Rabbit Cold is doing something
wierd and the sysadmin will probably need to rebooted so I'm trying
to be proactive this time and anticipate that I will have
a problem when I try to run genesis again with my database.

Do I just copy binary.backup to binary? Or do I have
to do some tweaking.  The reason why I ask this is that last
time I had a crash (Unix), I thought I had copied binary.backup
but I still wasn't able to get the server to run; I don't
remember which server/db combination I was running at the time.
This time it is A7 with p26.

Also I understand that yesterday was a busy day for Black Rabbit,
including visits from several people from this list.  I have
no idea what will be restored at this time or when the server
and Unix will be back in action; it's been over 12 hours now
and things seem fairly grim.  Hope to have some of you
return when things are back to normal.
