[1310] in Coldmud discussion meeting

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[COLD] Best Client

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Tue Jul 15 19:25:16 1997 )

From: clay@incite.com
To: coldstuff@cold.org
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 18:19:19 -0500

What clients do people like the best to use with the ColdCore?

I've got a NT Workstation, but I also have an X Terminal, on my desk.  I
am running Cold on a Linux box.  When working on moo, I like to use

I've been using Pueblo to talk to the Cold mud.  I tried tkMOO-light,
but it was a bit too wobbly for my tastes.  I'd prefer something
strongly X or NT based that works well with Cold.




Clay Luther

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