[1396] in Coldmud discussion meeting

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[COLD] Genesis signal handler:

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mon Dec 8 11:31:40 1997 )

Date: Mon, 8 Dec 1997 11:20:47 -0500
From: Chris Gazley <cgazley@vc.mulberry.com>
To: Cold Stuff Mailing List <coldstuff@cold.org>

        Could anyone tell me which signal will make Genesis shutdown clean
from outside the system.  I want to make a daemon script for it since the
machine i'm running it on may at anytime be rebooted due to the idiotic
nature of my friend Paul.  I know how to start her up but the page an
www.cold.org didn't really tell alot about what each signal did as far as
core stability was concerned.  Thanks in advance.