[63] in Coldmud discussion meeting

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Re: clear params

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Sat Nov 20 20:28:04 1993 )

To: deforest@netcom.com (Robert de Forest)
Cc: coldstuff@MIT.EDU
In-Reply-To: Your message of Sat, 20 Nov 93 16:19:45 -0800.
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 93 20:20:14 EST
From: Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU>

> Heh, I thought Greg gave a pretty decent reason not to have clear
> parameters.  They would allow the parents to affect the children in
> ways the parents don't have control over. He also pointed out how
> simple it is to implement defaults without them.

> Therefore, I ask...Do we really wnat them?

What I actually want is a way of solving the much more general problem
of inherited data.

Clear properties in MOO allow you to inherit data in a very specific
way: descendents can override default values on their ancestors.

It's not terribly difficult to implement this in-db on a case-by-case
basis.  If Coldmud didn't have multiple inheritance, you'd just have
an ancestor that does:

	return <foo is defined> ? foo | parent().foo();

Where <foo is defined> will depend on the values that foo can
reasonably expect to have.  (This is kludgy, yes.)  But Coldmud does
have multiple inheritance.  If you only want to check the particular
ancestor that contains the parameter in question (e.g.  if the default
for fail_msg is always going to be on $exit, and not some intermediate
ancestor), you do:

	return <foo is defined> ? foo | definer().foo();

In order to general data inheritance in this case, you'd have to
provide two accessors, a .local_foo() which returns the value of foo
on the current object, and a .foo() which scans the ancestors.  This
is fine if you have to do it once, but rather painful if you have to
do it for each parameter.

Okay, so it's painful, and requires a kludge of having some data value
that marks 'undefined' (or a separate variable which determines
whether you've defined the value of that variable, or some other
unpleasant construct).  Why won't I do clear parameters, then?  Well,
apart from the encapsulation argument, there are two reasons:

(1) It doesn't solve the problem in general.  Often, my inheritance
relationship is something more complicated than just overriding.  For
instance, look at .all_commands() on $command_handling in Cold World;
you'll see the same pattern that you'd be using to implement clear
parameters, except that you're adding lists together instead of
overriding the values.  The problem gets even harder if you decide
that you can't afford to be adding those lists together, but instead
want to consider the inheritance relations when you're searching for a

(2) It's actually not very hard to implement MOO semantics using a
single ancestor, without much added expense.  Consider the following
object inserted between root and the rest of the hierarchy:

	parent root
	object inherited_data

	var inherited_data data #[]

	method set_inherited_variable_value
	    arg name, value;

	    if (!.is_owned_by(sender())
		throw(~perm, "Sender not an owner");
	    data = dict_add(data, name, value);

	method get_inherited_variable_value_local
	    arg name;

	    if (caller() != definer())
		throw(~perm, "Invalid call to protected method");
	    return (> data[name] <);

	method get_inherited_variable_value
	    arg name;
	    var anc;

	    for anc in ancestors() {
		catch ~keynf {
		    return anc.get_inherited_variable_value_local(name);

	    throw(~paramnf, "Variable " + toliteral(name) + " not found.");

I've used rather long method names, and didn't deal with
initialization, but there you have your clear properties, implemented
just once, if I haven't made any mistakes.

Of course, as implemented above, you've destroyed both axes of
encapsulation, since such inherited parameters are readable by anyone
and writable by owners.  This might be okay for some kinds of data.
You can quickly regain the current-object axis by adding a check for
sender() == this() in get_inherited_variable_value, and you can get
back the per-ancestor axis (if you want it) by keeping track of the
caller in the data values.

I'm thinking of implementing such an object in Cold World, with some
added embellishments to handle, say, adding lists together (a la
all_commands()), or maybe calling a method on each ancestor value
until an exception is thrown signifying that a search is done.  I hope
people wouldn't lean on it too hard, though, since it's really only
appropriate for things like fail messages, commands, and flags.

In fact, I think it's reasonable to distinguish between highly dynamic
variables such as locations and contents lists, and less dynamic data
such as fail messages and command definitions that might more
accurately be called "settings."  Variables in the latter category
generally only change when the object owner explicitly asks for them
to be changed.  It may be that encapsulation is more important for the
more dynamic category of variables.

I also find it interesting that it's so easy to implement complicated
variable semantics in-db with a little bit of thought.  Hopefully, it
will be easier to take advantage of this than it would be for me to
implement things like clear parameters and object variable type
assertions in-db.

Okay, back to thinking about regexps and matching.