[80] in Coldmud discussion meeting

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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mon Nov 29 19:05:16 1993 )

Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 16:49:55 -0600 (MDT)
From: Lynx <BRANDON@cc.usu.edu>
To: coldstuff@MIT.EDU

Hey greg, I have a question, howcome after everybody convinced me to change
$user to $person in this heirarchy, you made the core as $user? :)

core user structure:


Cold Dark user structure:

	$person (was $user)
	$player (may be $character)
	$storymaster (not yet there)

in the Cold Dark all the basic players will be spawned off $player,
$storymaster is not exactly a game master, but basically is (following my idea
for completely integrated Interactive Cyber Fiction (unlike any other M**
before :):)

Anyhow, i was primarily wondering why you used $user, after you convinced me to
change $user to something else... :)
