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[COLD] New Admin Guide (first draft)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Thu Jan 18 01:28:39 1996 )

Date: Thu, 18 Jan 1996 01:14:15 -0500 (EST)
From: "Charles Shepherd" <cshepher@cs.indiana.edu>
To: coldstuff@tombstone.sunrem.com
Reply-To: coldstuff@tombstone.sunrem.com

[Note: This is a rough draft of a 'New Admin Guide'. Please
send comments/questions/topic we want to be included in this.
I'm hoping for it to serve the same function eventually
as the 'New Archwiz FAQ' for MOO.

   -- Chuck

I. Starting Up a New ColdCore Datbase.

Initial Login,

After you start up the server, telnet to port 1138 to 
that machine. The following splash screen will then
be displayed if the server is running:

                                 + ColdCore +

                          Virtual Environment Server

          "Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot."

                        Administrators: nothing
                         Currently Connected users: 0
                              Core: ColdCore 2.0
                          Driver: ColdX Genesis 0.2-8

                    ** Use 'H?elp' for a list of commands **

The quotation and database version may differ from what is
shown here. At this point, create yourself a user with
the create command, given with the syntax:

    create <name> <password> <email@host>


   name is the name you wish to have on this world.
   password is the password you assign to the user, and
   email@host is an email address for the character.

After you connect, you will be placed into the pit.

At this time, all new users will be Admins with full access to 
the database. Since being an Admin is equivalent in powers to 
having a 'root' permissions for the database, or being a wizard 
on a MU*, one of the first things you will want to do is to change 
the default user class to something more benign.

Setting the User Class

When ColdCore is first started up, the default user class is 
'$admin', or someone that has full access to the server. Since 
you probably don't want everyone on your ColdX server to be a 
administrator for security reasons, it's a good idea to change the
default user class to something less powerful than $admin for
anyone who will not be an administrator.

If you want new starting characters to be programmers by default,
issue the following commands as an Administrator:

@mojo on
@mojo off

Other acceptable user classes are $user and $builder. These
can replace the '$programmer' to make the default user class
either $user or $builder.

About @mojo

The @mojo command gives an Administrator the ability to make
changes to objects which he or she normally cannot access. This is 
needed for changing some system wide attributes, such as the new_user_class
specified above. To turn mojo on, type:

   @mojo on
When you are done using the super-Admin powers, make sure to
turn that ability off. This can be done with the command:

  @mojo off

Making someone an Admin

Now that you've made sure that everyone is a $programmer,
$builder, or $user instead of an $admin, you might decide
that a $user should be a $builder, $programmer, or $admin,
or vice versa. If you have @mojo on, the @adjust user command
can make someone an Admin. Using:

@adjust user <name> to admin  

User <name> will become an Admin. Similarly, 

@adjust user <name> to programmer

will make someone a programmer. The @adjust command also works for
changing guests into permanent users of the system.

Changing the Title & Name of the server:

How do you change the name and title of the database?
The default name of the server is "ColdCore 2.0" under
the parameter server_name. This can be set with the command
(setting @mojo if required):

@as $motd eval server_name = "My New Server Name"

The default Server Title, "Virtual Environment Server", is 
changed by:

@as $motd eval server_title = "My New Title"


Changing the symbol that references an object

When you reference an object name by it's symbol (such
as $user, $edit, etc, sometimes it might be useful
to change the symbol used to reference the object. This 
can be accomplished with:

@as $old_obj_name eval .set_objname('new_obj_name);

  $old_obj_name is the old (current) symbol used for the name

  new_obj_name is the symbol that you want to change to. It
  will be referenced as $new_obj_name

Changing the port number of the server.

If you want your default number to be something different than
1138. do the following:

@mojo on
@as $login_daemon eval .set_default_port(NEW PORT NUMBER);
@mojo off

The next time the server is restarted the port number will

You can get the current port number by running the command:

; $login_daemon.current_port();
==> 1138  (or whatever the current port number is).

You can also use .set_default_port() to set the 
port number for other daemons, such as
the $http_daemon.

Using the Backdoor

<discover this later>