1. Core Questions
    1. How do I get a listing of available commands?
        You can get a listing of all the commands on a particular object by typing:
        @commands objectname
        You may also get a listing of all the commands available to you by typing:
        @commands +a
    2. @add-command
        If you need arguments passed to the method do this:
        @add-command "status <args>" to $object.status_cmd
        @add-command "status <this>" to $object.status_cmd
    3. How do you get a list of known mailing lists here?
    4. On @mail-lists, why does it tell you about lists you can't read?
        Because you might be able to send to them.
    5. How about if you can't read or send?
        Then you just get to know it exists.
    6. How do you read/join a list?
        Type: @subscribe

        Then typing:
        will go through messages on lists you subscribed to, listing the next new message available to you when you type it.
        You can also type:
        @read <message> on <list>
        to see what mail is on a list, type:
        @mail on <list>
        ... and then
        @read <number> on <list>
        and list mail on a list with
        @mail on <list>

    7. How do I turn a 'symbol referance into an $object referance?
        From the help files:

        OBJNUM lookup(SYMBOL name)

        This function finds the object number for the object name specified by the argument name. If no object exists with that name, the error ~namenf is thrown. Example:

        => #1

    8. What signals in @status, does it count? are they the standard unix kill signals?
        All signals, that information comes from getrusage
    9. Admin help is wrong, or something...this doesn't work:
      ;as $login_daemon; .set_default_port(3993);
        Just do: @set $login_daemon:default-port=3993
    10. Does @adjust make a guest 'real'? and does it mail out a password to them?
        Yes, it does, so hope they gave a real email address when they logged in.
    11. Is there anyway to see what class/level all the chars currently on are? (ie guest/etc?)
        @descend $user all
    12. Where does the dbbin directory go?
        In the same dir as the genesis and coldcc executeables
    13. How do I destroy a char, and how do I disconnect a char?
        To destroy char:
          @destroy <character>
        To disconnect char:
          ;var c; for c in (who.connections()) c.close()
    14. One of my players is saying that he can no longer talk, and I haven't a clue why
        Did you just @promote them? If so, type @rehash-all
    15. What's the 'some_name notation?
        The help files explain it best with:

        A symbol is similar to a string, but it has been abstracted into a ColdC identifier. This makes comparisons between symbols much faster than with strings, as when comparing a string each character in the string must be compared, but when comparing a symbol only one comparison occurs.

        Symbols are denoted in ColdC by preceding the identifier with an apostrophe ('). Symbols are not terminated with an apostrophe. Symbols are always logically true.

    16. Where's /start.html kept in the db?
        From the directory where your executables are the path is: root/html/start.html, if you have restrict files compiled in, the restricted files go into root/
    17. How do I add a web gateway?
        First add a method to $http, such as:
        @program $http.bin_test
        Add in your program, making sure to end it with a period on a line by itself. (at that point it compiles the program and exits the @program function). The next step is to actually add your new method as a gateway to the server, you can see what the current gateways are by doing this:
        @d $http,gateways -c
        To add the new gateway, entering the following (assuming our method name is still .bin_test()):
        ;as $http;gateways = gateways.add("test", "test")