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>Psyclone wrote:
>>mtime() always returns 0. Also a library issue -- Win32 apparently
>>doesn't have a function to return microseconds.
>Hmm.. I'll have a look around.

Sorry I don't have the current source handy, but ...    

Not sure where you need it but this will pull out current millisecs (~=microsecs?).

  timeb z;
  ftime(&z);    // needs  #include <sys\timeb.h>
  cout << z.millitm;

Of course if you are just fetching ticks to seed some random function
  long x = clock();   is faster...

Or if you are trying to measure time intervals to the millisec:

   long start = clock();
   long end = clock();
   cout << (end - start) / CLK_TCK << endl;

>>ctime() and friends throw when given numbers < 18000. Borland (what I
>>used to compile genesis) has a broken time utility which causes genesis
>>to crash when these functions are given low numbers.

This check will resolve the problem without having to throw an error and
should work in whatever timezone you set up in.  

Somewhere after this :
 tval = (num_args) ? args[0].u.val : time(NULL);

Insert the following:
#ifdef _BORLANDC_
  if (tval < _timezome) tval = _timezone;

Before calling:

--*     Jon A. Lambert - TychoMUD Email: jlsysinc@nospam.ix.netcom.com     *--
--*     Mud Server Developer's Page <http://jlsysinc.home.netcom.com>      *--
--* "No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." Thomas Jefferson *--