the Cold Software Project

History and Trivia


Greg Hudson creates ColdMUD as a project at MIT, using ideas from Stephan White's MOO and CoolMUD with influences from other areas as well. His primary purpose is to focus upon creating an optimal object-oriented database system. C-- is created as the language to use within the database, the name is later changed by Brandon Gillespie to ColdC, due to another language already named C--.
ColdMUD 0.1 is released by Greg Hudson.
DarkurtheMOO, administrated by Richelieu (Alex Stewart), Tesseract, Lynx and a few others decide to switch to Cold after Crag (Robert de Forest) introduces them to ColdMUD. The Cold Dark is created.
Various other versions of ColdMUD have been released up to this time, finalizing with Greg Hudson's last official release of ColdMUD version 0.10.

Greg's remaining work became version 0.11 and was given to Jordan Baker who added patches for bug fixes that had been passed around in addition to his work, which included cooperative multitasking through the use of suspend()/resume() and pause().

Brandon Gillespie and Alex Stewart take the source and begin designs for further development. A configuration script is added, and some more bugs are fixed.

First Cold Dark Core release. Bug fixes soon follow. This core is an emphasized alpha release for others to use as a modern core (the Cold Dark is the only core which is up to date with the driver changes).

The language ColdC is defined seperate from any driver by Brandon Gillespie. The Cold Project is formed to manage the ColdC language and further development of the driver (using the ColdMUD base, later renamed to Genesis).
Second Cold Dark Core release.
Genesis 1.0 is released.
Genesis 1.1-STABLE is released, this is the first publicly stable release of any ColdC server.


  • Why "Genesis"
    Because of the evolutionary changes occuring to the source base the driver was named genesis. It was later found that this name conflicted with the original LPMUD server of the same name. Since (in our case) the name was specific to the driver we felt the conflict was not great enough to warrant a change. Work in regard to ColdC in general is simply referred to as 'Cold' or 'ColdStuff'.
  • Last Modified on 25-Aug-2005, Copyright © 1995-2015 by Brandon Gillespie, for the Cold Project