@create $feature named Jabber FO:Jabber FO ;;#605.("feature_verbs") = {} ;;#605.("aliases") = {"Jabber FO"} ;;#605.("description") = "This is the Generic Feature Object. It is not meant to be used as a feature object itself, but is handy for making new feature objects." ;;#605.("object_size") = {2963, 1013718845} @verb #605:"@jwho" any any any rxd @program #605:@jwho player:tell("Player name Idle time"); player:tell("----------- ---------"); pc = 0; for x in ($jabberd.users) if (!(x[2] == #-1)) try id = $string_utils:from_seconds(idle_seconds(x[2])); player:tell($string_utils:left(x[1], 12), id); pc = pc + 1; except v (ANY) nn = x[1] in $list_utils:slice($jabberd.users, 1); $jabberd.users[nn][2] = #-1; endtry endif endfor player:tell(("Total: " + tostr(pc)) + " players"); . @verb #605:"jpage jsend" any any any rxd @program #605:jpage fulluser = args[1]; {?user = "", ?host = ""} = $string_utils:to_list(fulluser, "@"); {?host = host, ?res = ""} = $string_utils:to_list(host, "/"); msg = argstr; if (i = index(msg, " ")) msg = msg[i + 1..length(msg)]; endif if (msg == "with") msg = ""; endif if (index(msg, "with ") == 1) msg = msg[6..length(msg)]; endif from = ((("from=\"" + player.name) + "@") + $network.site) + "\""; type = ""; if (verb == "jpage") type = "type='chat'"; endif if (host == "") jusers = $list_utils:slice($jabberd.users); if (uno = user in jusers) conn = $jabberd.users[uno][2]; else player:tell(("Jabber user " + user) + " not found. No message sent."); endif else "contact remote server here"; $jabberd:clean_servers(); conn = #-1; for x in [1..length($jabberd.servers)] if (($jabberd.servers[x][2] == host) && ($jabberd.servers[x][3] == "send")) conn = $jabberd.servers[x][1]; endif endfor if (conn == #-1) conn = $jabberd:call_server(host); if (cno = conn in $list_utils:slice($jabberd.servers, 1)) while (!($jabberd.servers[cno][3] == "send")) suspend(1); endwhile else "bad error"; endif endif endif nmsg = ((((((("") + msg) + ""; notify(conn, nmsg); player:tell("Message sent"); . @verb #605:"@checkconns" none none none rxd @program #605:@checkconns for x in (connected_players(1)) player:tell($string_utils:left(tostr(x), 8), " ", connection_name(x)); endfor . @create $channel named Generic Jabber Multi-communication channel:Generic Jabber Multi-communication channel ;;#614.("aliases") = {"Generic Jabber Multi-communication channel"} ;;#614.("object_size") = {970, 1013718845} @verb #614:"transmit" this none this @program #614:transmit from = $string_utils:words(args[1])[1]; $jabberd:sendconf(from, this.name, tostr(@args)); pass(@args); .