
moo-cows Topic: problems with MacGoMoo

Article #1117
Subject: problems with MacGoMoo
Author: James Dessart
Posted: 4/21/2001 05:57:14 PM

It seems that MacGoesMoo is no longer supported by the author, but
perhaps someone here could be of help anyways... I'm using the latest
lambdaCore, which I got off the supposedly official ftp site, and the
latest version of MacGoesMOO, which is based on LambdaMOO 1.8.0p6.

What happens is that when calling @verb (I'm trying out Yib's pet rock
tutorial), for some reason, at some point when processing one of the
lines from @verb, an E_ARGS is raised in the server code, specifically
when parsing a EOP_SCATTER command... I don't know enough about the code
to be able to debug it, but I was able to find the point where the error
is returned.

Does anyone have an idea of how this might be happening?



Article #1119
Subject: Re: problems with MacGoMoo
Author: James Dessart
Posted: 4/22/2001 10:13:58 AM

On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, Cipriano Groenendal wrote:

> This is a known bug in the latest LambdaCore, and not a MacGoesMOO bug:)
> Try changing line three of #0:bf_add_verb to this code:
> {what, info, verbargs} = args;

That's really strange, cause when I moved the lambdacore to MacOS X,
running 1.8.1, it worked... and somehow, that's how the line looks now...
did 1.8.1 include a fix for that?


Article #1118
Subject: Re: problems with MacGoMoo
Author: Cipriano Groenendal
Posted: 4/22/2001 10:45:12 AM

> I'm using the latest  lambdaCore,
> What happens is that when calling @verb (I'm trying out Yib's pet rock
> tutorial), for some reason, at some point when processing one of the
> lines from @verb, an E_ARGS is raised in the server code, specifically
> when parsing a EOP_SCATTER command
This is a known bug in the latest LambdaCore, and not a MacGoesMOO bug:)
Try changing line three of #0:bf_add_verb to this code:
{what, info, verbargs} = args;

|| Cipriano Groenendal
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