
moo-wizzen Topic: [MOO-wizzen] Fyren's Stuff

Article #1136
Subject: [MOO-wizzen] Fyren's Stuff
Author: Fyren
Posted: 10/22/2002 10:10:05 AM

Yeah.. my turn!

I'm Fyren.. been a wizard on Harper's Tale for a couple years, I've run Fluff MOO, in all it's incarnations, since '97, working on a smaller social game currently.

Project wise:  MOO clients for LiveJournal, IMP, various inMOO servers based on RFCs, multiple Milenium addons (I miss that project), web-based everything (mail, channels, help files, client, object browser, code browser, VRML walk-through, code editor, password locked areas...), a web-based 'horse track' betting/breeding/etc game powered by MOO, and lots of little things that I can't remember right now :P  Basically, I'm interestead in implementing everything.. finding something practical to do with it can come later ;)

On a side note.. I need a couple games to run IMP clients so that I can test it out in a more widespread environment.

On a more serious note.. I normall don't send HTML mail.. but this is the only way I can send for the next day ;P

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