
moo-cows Topic: Scheduler

Article #1115
Subject: Scheduler
Author: Luke
Posted: 4/14/2001 07:30:28 PM

Hi everyone. I was wondering if someone could tell me a simple way to make
a scheduler for my MOO. I need it to run in the background and check the
objects .scheduler property to see if it has anything to schedule. I have
tried some things, but none of my attempts have been successful. This is
probably simple but heh I missed it if it is ;o)

Thanks to anyone who can provide any help on this matter.



Article #1116
Subject: Re: Scheduler
Author: Cipriano Groenendal
Posted: 4/14/2001 09:48:00 PM

> Hi everyone. I was wondering if someone could tell me a simple way to make
> a scheduler for my MOO. I need it to run in the background and check the
> objects .scheduler property to see if it has anything to schedule. I have
> tried some things, but none of my attempts have been successful. This is
> probably simple but heh I missed it if it is ;o)
> Thanks to anyone who can provide any help on this matter.

There's a public $scheduler out there. The helpfile has t_pascal@nospam
listed as a maintainer. Tough I have no idea if it's still being maintained
or anything, I just know that we have it and it's quite powerfull on doing

|| Cipriano Groenendal
|\______________________________       ___
| ______________________________| sig |___|
|| MAIL: cipri@nospam
|| WWW:
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|| ICQ:  #5820598  AIM:  Cieper
|| GF:
|\______________________________       ___
\_______________________________| eof |___|

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