
moo-wizzen Topic: List name change

Article #1131
Subject: List name change
Author: Jackie Hamilton
Posted: 10/18/2002 11:56:44 PM

For various reasons I've decided to rename the list, and also split it
into two separate lists - moo-wizzen (this list) for more advanced topics
(wizarding, core hacking, etc) and a moo-coders list for more general
questions. I know one prob with the earlier list was some intolerance for
beginners on the list, which I think doesn't really help MOO much. So,
moo-coders is supposed to be welcome for beginners too.

I've added you to moo-wizzen by default, but if you want to join
moo-coders instead (or in addition to), just send a note to
majordomo@nospam with the `subscribe moo-coders' command.

I've also updated the web page at

Please pass the word along, if you run your own MOO or are in other MOO
groups!  Thanks! :)

Jackie Hamilton

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with the message "unsubscribe moo-wizzen".

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