Dump of #3736 (Defaulting Exit) @create $exit named Defaulting Exit:Defaulting Exit "#3736.("key") => E_PERM (Permission denied) ;;#3736.("aliases") = {"Defaulting Exit"} ;;#3736.("object_size") = {2239, 1141286552} @verb #3736:"oleave_msg" this none this @program #3736:oleave_msg z = pass(@args); if ((typeof(z) == STR) && (z != "")) return z; endif for k in ({this.name, @this.aliases}) if (k in {"east", "west", "south", "north", "northeast", "southeast", "southwest", "northwest", "out", "up", "down"}) return ("goes " + k) + "."; elseif (k == "leave") return "leaves"; endif endfor return ("leaves for the " + this.name) + "."; . @verb #3736:"oarrive_msg" this none this @program #3736:oarrive_msg z = pass(@args); if ((typeof(z) == STR) && (z != "")) return z; else back = $nothing; for q in (this.dest.exits) if ($object_utils:has_property(q, "dest") && (q.dest == this.source)) back = q; endif endfor if (!valid(back)) name = ""; elseif ("up" in (aliases = {back.name, @back.aliases})) name = " from above"; elseif ("down" in aliases) name = " from below"; else name = ""; for q in ({"north", "south", "east", "west", "northeast", "southeast", "southwest", "northwest"}) if (q in aliases) name = " from the " + q; endif endfor endif return ("arrives" + name) + "."; endif . @verb #3736:"moveto" this none this @program #3736:moveto result = ((caller_perms() == this.owner) || (args[1] == $nothing)) ? pass(@args) | 0; return result; . "***finished***