@create #517 named Generic Casting/Armour/View/Freeze/Combat/Magic Effect:Generic Casting/Armour/View/Freeze/Combat/Magic Effect,effect ;;#8868.("manufactured") = 947275400 ;;#8868.("worth") = -1 ;;#8868.("condition") = E_NONE ;;#8868.("odrop_failed_msg") = "% to drop %t but fails!" ;;#8868.("odrop_succeeded_msg") = "% %t." ;;#8868.("otake_succeeded_msg") = "% up %t." "#8868.("key") => E_PERM (Permission denied) ;;#8868.("aliases") = {"Generic Casting/Armour/View/Freeze/Combat/Magic Effect", "effect"} ;;#8868.("description") = {"Ok, so here's how it works:", "", "Design the effect object with combat and/or armour and/or magic effects ", "and make it a child of Generic Armour/Combat/Magic Effect (#8868) as ", "appropriate.", "", "Set the .effects to be {\"magic_effects\", \"combat_effects\"} or whatever ", "you've defined.", "", "Now you can use this:add() and this:remove() to add/remove ", "this object from the correct effects properties on . Whee."} ;;#8868.("object_size") = {2750, 1141286627} @verb #8868:"add remove" this none this @program #8868:add ":add() or :remove()"; "Adds/Removes this object to all the effects props on that are specified in this.effects."; {doll} = args; $local.rpg:secure(); function = ("set" + verb) + "_att"; for effects in (this.effects) doll:(function)(effects, this); endfor . @verb #8868:"make_fertile" this none this @program #8868:make_fertile "Usage: make_fertile() => Makes this temporarily fertile if permitted."; " make_fertile() => Resets this to unfertile."; if ($local.rpg:trusted(caller_perms())) if (args && this.f) this.f = 0; elseif (!this.f) this.f = 1; fork (0) this.f = 0; endfork endif else return E_PERM; endif . @verb #8868:"set_aliases" this none this @program #8868:set_aliases if ($perm_utils:controls(caller_perms(), this) || (this == caller)) fork (0) pass(setadd(@args, "effect")); endfork return pass(@args); else return E_PERM; endif . "***finished***