@create #29938 named Bowyer Archer Fletcher Spy:Bowyer Archer Fletcher Spy,archer,fletcher,missile,spy ;;#87097.("text") = {{"Bowyer Archer Fletcher Spy -> Brought to you by THX", "", "Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to build a missile weapon:", "", "Well, we need some objects to work with, so:", "@create #13091 called launcher", "@create #11156 called missile", "", "Then we need to give them hoppin' names and descriptions.", "", "@rename #1197 to blowpipe,pipe,blowgun,gun", "@describe #1197 as A medium-length wooden stave that has been hollowed through its core. One end has been whittled smooth.", "@rename #1252 to blowdarts,blowdart,darts,dart", "@describe #1252 as Long, but narrow, metal-tipped darts. The tips look somewhat discoloured."}, {"Since the launcher and missile need to operate together, we have to make sure that they both consider each other to be suitable:", "", ";#1197:set_value(\"skill\", #46.skills.staff)", "=> #7144 (Staff)", ";#1197:set_value(\"shot_skill\", #46.skills.crossbow)", "=> #18671 (Crossbow)", ";#1197:set_value(\"default_ammo\", #1252)", "=> #1252 (blowdarts)", ";#1197.ammo_type = \"blowdart\"", "=> \"blowdart\"", ";#1252:set_value(\"skill\", #46.skills.crossbow)", "=> #18671 (Crossbow)", ";#1252:set_value(\"ammo_type\", \"blowdart\")", "=> \"blowdart\"", "@prop #1252.bow \"blowpipe\""}, {"Now let's focus in on the regular weapon settings for the blowpipe:", "", ";#1197:set_value(\"encumbrance\", 4)", ";#1197:set_value(\"length\", 20)", ";#1197:set_value(\"slowness\", 9)", ";#1197:set_value(\"hands\", 2)", ";#1197:set_value(\"dam\", 7)", ";#1197:set_value(\"max_str_bonus\", 15)", ";#1197:set_value(\"pierce\", -1)", ";#1197:set_value(\"attack\", 10)", ";#1197:set_value(\"parry\", 15)", ";#1197:set_value(\"dodgable\", 0)", ";#1197:set_value(\"parryable\", 0)", ";#1197:set_value(\"wooden\", 1)", ";#1197:set_value(\"blunt\", 1)"}, {"Then we need to set the launcher specific properties on the blowpipe:", "", ";#1197.load_msg = \"%N % %[arrow] into %p %[bow].\"", "=> \"%N % %[arrow] into %p %[bow].\"", ";#1197:set_value(\"speed\", 35)", ";#1197:set_value(\"attack_bonus\", 2)", ";#1197:set_value(\"dam_bonus\", 0)", ";#1197:set_value(\"pull_str\", 7)"}, {"Time to focus on the regular weapon settings for the blowdarts:", "", ";#1252:set_value(\"encumbrance\", 6)", ";#1252:set_value(\"dam\", 18)", ";#1252:set_value(\"pen\", 6)", ";#1252:set_value(\"con\", 16)", ";#1252:set_value(\"pierce\", 0)", ";#1252:set_value(\"attack\", 0)", ";#1252:set_value(\"parry\", -1000)", ";#1252:set_value(\"dodgable\", -40)", ";#1252:set_value(\"parryable\", -240)", ";#1252:set_value(\"blunt\", 0)", ";#1252:set_value(\"wooden\", 0)", ";#1252:set_value(\"swing\", \"chuff\")", "=> \"chuff\"", ";#1252:set_value(\"oswing\", \"chuffs\")", "=> \"chuffs\""}, {"Then we need to set the missile specific properties on the blowdarts:", "", "The .root prop specifies what ammunition (if any) results when a miss occurs. The .break_chance prop controls what ratio of misses will result in breakage. The .shots prop specifies the amount of missiles that will be generated by the dispenser and .enc_div determines how many collective missiles have a weight of 1.", ";#1252:set_value(\"root\", #1252)", "=> #1252 (blowdarts)", ";#1252:set_value(\"shots\", 33)", ";#1252:set_value(\"fired_name\", \"a blowdart\")", ";#1252:set_value(\"enc_div\", 3)", ";#1252:set_value(\"break_chance\", 39)"}, {"Now you need to get your not-so-friendly neighbourhood G_M to add this to $local.rpg.object_db.OBJ_missile_weapon and .OBJ_missile_ammo. Further get Em to add your new objects to the dispenser if appropriate (note: you'll need a :make_fertile() verb on 'em)."}, {}, {}, {}} ;;#87097.("page") = 10 ;;#87097.("writers") = {#2693, #105941, #104762, #30788} "#87097.("key") => E_PERM (Permission denied) ;;#87097.("aliases") = {"Bowyer Archer Fletcher Spy", "archer", "fletcher", "missile", "spy"} ;;#87097.("description") = "A nice leather-bound Generic Book." ;;#87097.("object_size") = {4914, 1141286627} "***finished***