-Upgrading LambdaCore to 1.8.0-
$code_utils:_find_verbs_containing Okay, now that you can edit verbs again, just @edit this verb and change these lines: 12: for vnum in [0..length(verbs) - 1] 13: if (l = this:_grep_verb_code(pattern, o, vname = tostr(vnum))) 14: owner = verb_info(o, vname)[1]; 15: player:notify(tostr(o, ":", verbs[vnum + 1], " [", valid(owner) ? owner.name | "Recycled Player", " (", owner, ")]: ", l)); with: for vnum in [1..length(verbs)] if (l = this:_grep_verb_code(pattern, o, vnum)) owner = verb_info(o, vnum)[1]; player:notify(tostr(o, ":", verbs[vnum], " [", valid(owner) ? owner.name | "Recycled Player", " (", owner, ")]: ", l));
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