-Upgrading LambdaCore to 1.8.0-
$prog:@rmverb If you used the $code_utils verbs on the earlier pages, you'll want to change this line (21): while (loc >= 0 && verb_args(object, tostr(loc)) != argspec) to this: while (loc >= 1 && ... or optionally: while (loc && ... And this in line 25: if (loc < 0) with either if (loc < 1) or (!loc). Also, don't forget to change the numbers in lines 30-32 to not use tostr(): 30: info = verb_info(object, tostr(loc)); 31: vargs = verb_args(object, tostr(loc)); 32: result = delete_verb(object, tostr(loc)); change all instances of "tostr(loc)" to "loc".
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