-Upgrading LambdaCore to 1.8.0-
$prog:@display The following lines can be made to patch @display to work correctly, this doesn't need any of the other patches unless you need to use the editor to edit this verb. The line numbers I've provided should be current or close enough to the actual lines. out: 86: for n in [0..length(vrbs) - 1] 87: vrb = setadd(vrb, {what, tostr(n)}); in: for n in [1..length(vrbs)] vrb = setadd(vrb, {what, n}); bad: 101: for n in [0..length(verbs(z)) - 1] 102: vrb = setadd(vrb, {z, tostr(n)}); good: for n in [1..length(verbs(z))] vrb = setadd(vrb, {z, n}); Lastly, change line 133 to this: 133: short = strsub(y = index(q, " ") ? q[1..y - 1] | q, "*", ""); into this: short = typeof(q) == NUM ? q | strsub(y = index(q, " ") ? q[1..y - 1] | q, "*", ""); And there you go.
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