-Upgrading LambdaCore to 1.8.0-
This prevents the bug that causes people to see the full description when they enter the editor. Fix this one first, since it requires only a simple @program and less editing. The key line is line 5, which checks for 'pass' as the calling verb. Is this a good idea? Don't know, but it works. @program $generic_editor:description is_look_self = 1; for c in (callers()) if (is_look_self && c[2] in {"enterfunc", "confunc"}) return {"", "Do a 'look' to get the list of commands, or 'help' for assistance.", "", @{}}; elseif (!(c[2] in {"look_self", "pass"})) is_look_self = 0; endif endfor d = {"Commands:", ""}; col = {{}, {}}; for c in [1..2] for cmd in (this.commands2[c]) cmd = this:commands_info(cmd); col[c] = {cmdargs = $string_utils:left(cmd[1] + " ", 12) + cmd[2], @col[c]}; endfor endfor i1 = length(col[1]); i2 = length(col[2]); right = 0; while (i1 || i2) if (!(i1 && length(col[1][i1]) > 35 || (i2 && length(col[2][i2]) > 35))) d = {@d, $string_utils:left(i1 ? col[1][i1] | "", 40) + (i2 ? col[2][i2] | "")}; i1 && (i1 = i1 - 1); i2 && (i2 = i2 - 1); right = 0; elseif (right && i2) d = {@d, length(col[2][i2]) > 35 ? $string_utils:right(col[2][i2], 75) | $string_utils:space(40) + col[2][i2]}; i2 = i2 - 1; right = 0; elseif (i1) d = {@d, col[1][i1]}; i1 = i1 - 1; right = 1; else right = 1; endif endwhile return {@d, "", "---- Do `help <cmdname>' for help with a given command. ----", "", " <ins> ::= $ (the end) | [^]n (above line n) | _n (below line n) | . (current)", "<range> ::= <lin> | <lin>-<lin> | from <lin> | to <lin> | from <lin> to <lin>", " <lin> ::= n | [n]$ (n from the end) | [n]_ (n before .) | [n]^ (n after .)", "`help insert' and `help ranges' describe these in detail.", @{}}; .
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