-Upgrading LambdaCore to 1.8.0-
This updates $code_utils:find_verb_named, which searches for a verb named args[1], to simply return one number higher and not to use tostr(i). Instead of -1 being returned if no such verb is found, 0 is returned, so old code should be fixed to use this. @program $code_utils:find_verb_named ":find_verb_named(object,name[,n])"; " returns the *number* of the first verb on object matching the given name."; " optional argument n, if given, starts the search with verb n,"; " causing the first n verbs (1..n-1) to be ignored."; " 0 is returned if no verb is found."; " This routine does not find inherited verbs."; {object, name, ?first = 1} = args; for i in [first..length(verbs(object))] verbinfo = verb_info(object, i); if (this:verbname_match(verbinfo[3], name)) return i; endif endfor .
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