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As a sidenote, I may be wrong in some of this.

I haven't worked with Cold, Genesis, or ColdCore in some time.

>I wish I could recall the events that occured but if you use the

>@add-reaction in the wrong way your core will dump.

Could you provide more details for the list?  Did you mean that Genesis
dumps core?  If so, if you can provide information about what version of
Genesis you were using, what OS, and what the backtrace from gdb was, that
would be useful information.

>As soon as I can remember I'll post it up.
>Also, @monitor  command isn't working.  It does nothing, and am not sure


If I type '@monitor', I get:
You are not monitoring what you hear.

If I type '@monitor on' and then say a few things:
@monitor on
You are now monitoring what you hear.
"la la la test
Bruce says, "la la la test"
$user_bruce (Bruce)  $the_pit.announce() line 9     73
:was testing @monitor.
Bruce was testing @monitor.
I don't understand @moniotr.
$user_bruce (Bruce)  $the_pit.announce() line 9     73
$user_bruce (Bruce)  $the_pit.announce() line 9     73
$user_bruce (Bruce)  $user_bruce.parse_line() line  365
@monitor off
You are no longer monitoring what you hear.
You are not monitoring what you hear.

Does this differ from what you get?

>the @lock command is written into Cold but somebody put the command to it
>into the list of commands that are not to be used.  That list when you type
>@create it says @create doesn't work try @new.

What version of ColdCore are you using?  Someone else would have to respond
to this, it doesn't appear to be the case with the core on the Cold Dark.

>$pueblo.format, or at least I think it's that one needs to be modified.
> It's not returing the proper characters for doing \n.  It needs to be

>changed to {br} or something like that.

Okay ... I worked with someone recently to fix this.  Your
$pueblo_format.format() should look like:

@list $pueblo_format.format()
@program $pueblo_format.format() +access=pub
  arg data, vars;
  var str, len, line, out, base, port;

  base = "http://" + $dns.hostname("");
  port = $http_daemon.current_port();
  if (port != 80)
      base += ":" + port;
  vars = dict_add(vars, 'base_url, base);
  str = (> (._eval_ctext(data, vars))[1] <);
  if (strlen(str) < 2 || substr(str, strlen(str) - 1) != "\n")
      str += "\n";
  return str_to_buf(str + "<br>\n");

  // $#Edited: 25 Oct 99 14:45 $user_bruce
// Created 04-May-1997 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit

Note the change to the return statement.  Thinking about it, the 2 lines
above it might be wrong as well.  I'm not sure.

>Hmmm, anything else I happen to recall, find or what ever I'll certainly
>put up.

Despite the lack of archives for this list, this is probably as good a place
as any to discuss this.

 - Bruce