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here are a few bugs I've found while fooling with ColdCore.

ColdCore Bug Report #1
July 1, 2001
Jeremy Lowery

System Info:
Platform : Windows 2000 SP2
Compile  : Cygwin 1.3.2, gcc
Compiler Options : default
Genesis 1.1.9 stable
ColdCore 3.0 1999 stable

Bug #1:
   $english_lib._verb_singular() - ._add_s called with 2 arguments,
   requires 1. The length is passed, but it shouldn't be.
   Just remove the len paramater from the method call.
Severity : low

Bug #2:
   $exit ($exit_frob)
   invoke message defines parser as 'parse_exit_msg, but this parser
   isn't found.
   Redefine the invoke message on $exit. The parser flag will be removed.
   @undef-msg $exit:invoke
   @def-msg $exit:invoke +b=source,dest,actor
   @msg $exit:invoke.actor = "You take [this]."
   @msg $exit:invoke.source = "[actor] takes [this]."
Severity : low
   (Actually, I don't know why this message is even defined. From what
    I can tell, the messages on $path are used when users move around.
    If this message isn't used anywhere else, its existance alone makes
    things misleading.)

Bug #3:
   For some reason $time.format("%r") throws the following error:
     Format results in a string longer than 80 characters.
     Thrown by CALL_METHOD
Severity : high
   (This probably has something to do with the driver compilation and
    not coldcore. Actually, it probably involves Cygwin's library.
    Since I don't know the ins and outs of genesis yet,
    I can't address this problem any further except for its
    existence. For reference, I have also had a lot of problems with
    time functions using borland as well.) I do know that the error
    is thrown in the driver at:
    /src/modules/cdc_misc.c : 61
    Perhaps someone could fill me on on why this is thrown?

Bug #4:
   When a backup fails, subsequent attempts at backup will always fail
   because of backup conflict. This problem exists because the 'started
   flag is set at the beginning of $sys.do_backup() and $sys.backup_done()
   is never called to clear the flag. Even though this is by design, it
   seems improper.
   Modify the end of of $sys.do_backup() to the following.
   catch any {
      (> backup() <);
   } with {
     backup = backup.del('started);
Severity : high
  (Coupled with the $time.format("%r") problem, this is a double whammy
   because of the conditional test at the beginning of $sys.do_backup())

End Bug Report

Also, I'm having problems doing a backup because back() throws a permissions 
error. I find this odd because the driver can write the log files fine. To 
this point, I have been unable to find where the backup is done in the 
driver..to try and fix the problem.

Jeremy Lowery

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