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I am trying to move from a MOO to Cold. The biggest hurdle is moving all the
objects such as users, rooms, exits and $things to Cold. Unfortunately I know
about as much about COLD and ColdCore as I did about LambdaMOO when I first
started (about zilch).

I decided I didn't want to do this one object at a time considering the large
number I had so I hacked up some scripts to help. They are UGLY. Anyone who
knows Cold will probably cringe when they see what I did but it works for >
90% of the objects and I can live with fixing up the rest.

I give you the scripts I used to do with as you wish. I'd love for someone
with either better MOO or COLD knowledge to refine them. In Tinyfugue I start
a log, run the program and then use /quote to send them to the Cold system.

-- CUT HERE --
;" This script creates an object to convert MOO objects to COLD "
;" Take the output of each program and feed it to Cold as the "
;" administrator with @mojo turned on. ";
;"WARNING: This is my first attempt at any type of conversion and I"
;"am aware that it needs SIGNIFICANT improvements. Contributions will"
;"be gladly accepted."
;"To allow passwords to work you must include your system CRYPT libraries"
;"when compiling cold."
;"The scripts should be run in the following order"

@create $thing named convert

@verb convert:"export_users" this none this
@program convert:export_users
for p in (players())
  if (((p != #2) && (p.first_connect_time != $maxint)) && (p.description != $player.description))
    name = $string_utils:strip_all_but($string_utils:lowercase(p.name), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890");
    player:tell(";var new; if(!(| valid($user_", name, ") |)) { new = $sys.create_user(\"", p.name, "\", \"", p.realname, "\", \"", p.email_address, "\");}");
    player:tell(";|as $user_", name, "<$root>; created_on = ", p.first_connect_time, ";");
    player:tell(";|as $user_", name, "<$user>; connected_at = ", p.last_connect_time, ";");
    player:tell(";|as $user_", name, "<$user>; password = \"", p.password, "\";");
    if ((p.gender == "male") || (p.gender == "female"))
      player:tell(";|as $user_", name, "<$thing>; gender = $gender_", p.gender, ";");
    player:tell(";|as $user_", name, "; .set_user_info(\"rl-name\", $user_info, \"", p.realname, "\");");
    player:tell(";|as $user_", name, "<$described>; prose = <$ctext_frob, [[\"", $string_utils:from_list(p:description(), " "), "\"], #[]]>;");
    if (p.wizard)
      player:tell("@promote ", p:title(), " to wizard");
    elseif ($object_utils:isa(p, $prog))
      player:tell("@promote ", p:title(), " to programmer");
    elseif ($object_utils:isa(p, $builder))
      player:tell("@promote ", p:title(), " to builder");

@verb convert:"export_rooms" this none this
@program convert:export_rooms
for room in ($object_utils:leaves_suspended($generic_room))
  if ((room.entrances == {}) || (room:exits() == {}))
    username = tostr("$user_", $string_utils:strip_all_but($string_utils:lowercase(room.owner.name), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"));
    name = tostr(room)[2..$];
    value = $string_utils:from_list(room:description(), " ");
    result = "";
    while (q = index(value, "\"") || index(value, "\\"))
      if (value[q] == "\"")
        q = min(q, index(value + "\\", "\\"));
      result = ((result + value[1..q - 1]) + "\\") + value[q];
      value = value[q + 1..length(value)];
    player:tell(";var p, new; if(!(| valid($room_", name, ") |)) { new = $place.spawn(); new.set_objname('room_", name, ");}");
    player:tell(";|as $room_", name, "<$has_name>; name = ['prop, \"", room:title(), "\", \"", room:title(), "\"];");
    player:tell(";|as $room_", name, "<$described>; prose = <$ctext_frob,[[\"", result ? result | value, "\"], #[]]>;");
    player:tell("@chmanage $room_", name, " to ", username);

@verb convert:"export_exits" this none this
@program convert:export_exits
for exit in ($object_utils:leaves_suspended($exit))
  player:tell("@move me to $room_", tostr(exit.location)[2..$]);
  player:tell("@dig ", exit.name, " to $room_", tostr(exit.dest)[2..$]);
  player:tell("@move me to $the_pit");

@verb convert:"export_things" this none this
@program convert:export_things
for thing in ($object_utils:leaves_suspended($thing))
  if (($object_utils:isa(thing, $exit) || $object_utils:isa(thing, $container)) || $object_utils:isa(thing, $note))
    username = tostr("$user_", $string_utils:strip_all_but($string_utils:lowercase(thing.owner.name), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"));
    name = tostr(thing)[2..$];
    value = $string_utils:from_list(thing:description(), " ");
    result = "";
    while (q = index(value, "\"") || index(value, "\\"))
      if (value[q] == "\"")
        q = min(q, index(value + "\\", "\\"));
      result = ((result + value[1..q - 1]) + "\\") + value[q];
      value = value[q + 1..length(value)];
    player:tell(";var p, new; if(!(| valid($thing_", name, ") |)) { new = $thing.spawn(); new.set_objname('thing_", name, ");}");
    player:tell(";|as $thing_", name, "<$has_name>; name = ['prop, \"", thing:title(), "\", \"", thing:title(), "\"];");
    player:tell(";|as $thing_", name, "<$described>; prose = <$ctext_frob,[[\"", result ? result | value, "\"], #[]]>;");
    player:tell("@chmanage $thing_", name, " to ", username);
    player:tell("@move $thing_", name, " to ", username);
    if ($object_utils:isa(thing.location, $player))
      user = $string_utils:strip_all_but($string_utils:lowercase(thing.location.name), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890");
      player:tell("@move $thing_", name, " to $user_", user);
      player:tell("@move $thing_", name, " to $room_", tostr(thing.location)[2..$]);

@verb convert:"export_homes" this none this
@program convert:export_homes
for p in (players())
  if ((((p != #2) && (p.first_connect_time != $maxint)) && (p.home != #267)) && (p.description != $player.description))
    user = $string_utils:strip_all_but($string_utils:lowercase(p.name), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890");
    name = tostr(p.home)[2..$];
    player:tell("@set $user_", user, ":home=$room_", name);
    player:tell("@move $user_", user, " to $room_", name);

@verb convert:"export_notes" this none this
@program convert:export_notes
for thing in ($object_utils:leaves_suspended($note))
  username = tostr("$user_", $string_utils:strip_all_but($string_utils:lowercase(thing.owner.name), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"));
  name = tostr(thing)[2..$];
  value = $string_utils:from_list(thing:description(), " ");
  result = "";
  while (q = index(value, "\"") || index(value, "\\"))
    if (value[q] == "\"")
      q = min(q, index(value + "\\", "\\"));
    result = ((result + value[1..q - 1]) + "\\") + value[q];
    value = value[q + 1..length(value)];
  player:tell(";var p, new; if(!(| valid($note_", name, ") |)) { new = $note.spawn(); new.set_objname('note_", name, ");}");
  player:tell(";|as $note_", name, "<$has_name>; name = ['prop, \"", thing:title(), "\", \"", thing:title(), "\"];");
  player:tell(";|as $note_", name, "<$described>; prose = <$ctext_frob,[[\"", result ? result | value, "\"], #[]]>;");
  player:tell(";|as $note_", name, "<$has_text>; text = [\"", $string_utils:from_list(thing.text), "\"];");
  player:tell("@chmanage $note_", name, " to ", username);
  player:tell("@move $note_", name, " to ", username);
  if ($object_utils:isa(thing.location, $player))
    user = $string_utils:strip_all_but($string_utils:lowercase(thing.location.name), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890");
    player:tell("@move $note_", name, " to $user_", user);
    player:tell("@move $note_", name, " to $room_", tostr(thing.location)[2..$]);

; "End of object creation"