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You do the page stuff through the CML text.  But just a hint so you don't
drive yourself nuts trying to figure it out, the interface is one way.
If you were expecting it to be a two way thing, it's not. hehehe.

You probaby could make your own mods the the whole thing and make it
so it acts two way though.  I noticed that if you point your web browser
to the normal port you would telnet to it gets the logon screen.  You
might be able to create a frame that has a text box that sends the submission
to Cold and have it think you typed it from a normal telnet session.

Unless I'm way off course on this and you are talking about something
else. hehehe.

Kris Anderson
ohshutup@zdnetonebox.com - email
(408) 514-2611 ext. 1178 - voicemail/fax

---- <sparky@inetarena.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I just need a starting point.
> I'm looking for some information on how the ColdCore web interface
> works.
> I've been playing with it for about 2 days now and the one bit that
> I just
> cant seem to sort out is how the web interface works so that I can
> add
> pages to objects inside of the environment.
> Any help would be great 
> thanks 
> sparky
> =====================================================
> Back in Santa School they taught me everything.
> Don't go HO HO HO it scares the little children.
> Don't promise anything and don't flirt with the moms.
> Remove the costume before you hit the bar.
> No, it don't feel like Christmas.
> local $_ = "0A72656B636148206C72655020726568746F6E41207473754A";
> while(s/..$//) { print chr(hex($&)) }
> =====================================================

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